Two big things have happened this week! Levin started rolling from his back to his stomach on Sunday and then tonight he finally started to laugh. We're watching Jake's mom's dog tonight so Tucker & Izzy were chasing each other around the house and Levin was just laughing away at them. It was so cute! Anyways here's the videos of him rolling over and laughing :)
This Christmas was definitely the year of the "Choo-Choos". Cruz is a huge train fan and between his wooden train set, Thomas train set, Dinosaur train set and Chuggington train set he's now pretty much set on playing all choo choos all day long! Christmas was definitely more exciting then the years before, it was so fun watching Cruz get all excited for Santa and then to see his face when he woke up Christmas morning. My sister and I got the grandkids picture taken for my mom and dad for Christmas this year so I'll attach that below. And below that is a slideshow of pictures from Christmas morning, Christmas at Grandma Aufenkamp's and then Christmas at Grandpa & Grandma Walkenhorst's. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!