Monday, September 12, 2011

1st Day of Preschool

Cruz started Preschool on Wednesday! He goes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning from 8:30 to 11:00. He was so excited to go to school and didn't even care when Jake & I left. During the preschool open house the week before he found out there was a train table there so as soon as he found the train table that morning he could care less who was there with him! He's gone 3 times so far and he seems to really enjoy it. Here's a few pictures from the first day of school.

1st Birthday

Levin turned one on August 18th and we had two separate parties for him so I'm just finally getting pictures up here! I took him in today for his one year check up and he's still a big boy like he has been since he was born:) He was 25lbs 12oz, in the 94th percentile for weight, and he was 31 1/2 inches tall, in the 91st percentile for height. He's still just a little heavier and taller then his brother was at this point, as soon as he starts walking I'm sure there will be some wrestling matches going on at our house and it might be a throw up each time of who wins. Levin's going to be tough and I can already tell he's going to be a lot more ornery then Cruz ever was. Here's some pictures from both birthday parties and his actual birthday, gosh that last year went fast!