Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Check this off our list please

As more and more time passes there are so many things that happen while watching these 3 little boys grow up that I always hope is not the last.  For instance everytime Cruz sits on my lap I hope it's not the last time.  Or when Levin asks me to snuggle with him in bed for just 1 more minute, I hope that's not the last time.  When Hudson laughs at playing a simple game of peek a boo, I hope that's not the last time that game is amusing to him!  But this week we had to deal with something that I hope we can say is our last and we can "check it off our list" of things we will deal with as parents!  An abscess!  Yuck and yuck. 

I noticed what I thought was an infected bug bite on Cruz's right thigh about 2 weeks ago.  We tried putting neosporin and a steroid cream on it but it was still looking pretty bad so last Friday I took him to his doctor.  She could feel the abscess and put him on an oral antibiotic but told me if it didn't get better or got worse she recommended taking him down to childrens ER to have it drained.  Well by Wednesday it was still the exact same, same size, hot to the touch, very red and painful to the touch.  So we headed down to Childrens that afternoon.  The nurses and doctors were so great with Cruz and Cruz was so brave through out the entire 4 hours we were there!  They ended up lancing it and then squeezing it to get all the infection out.  It took both Jake and myself along with 2 nurses and the doctor to hold him down while the PA lanced and squeezed it.  It was horrible!  The worse part was to see your child in pain and screaming for them to stop but you just have to continue to hold him down.  Aweful!  And then to top it off he had to be put on a very strong antibiotic so we had the choice of putting him on an oral antibiotic that was horrible tasting and he'd have to take 4 teaspoons of it 3 times a day or he could take 1 capsule 3 times a day.  We opted for the capsule but that story is a whole nother blog post!  Learning how to swallow a pill is not fun for the child or parent!

I'm so glad we took him in and he got that infection out of his body but now I just hope we really did cross that off our list and we never have to do that again!