Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Boys and bathrooms

Sitting at a basketball game last weekend a mom and I were chatting and she mentioned something about me having the 3 boys and of course how busy I must be. But then she said "I'd hate to clean your bathrooms, I only have two boys at home, I can't imagine three!"  So then it got me thinking, are my bathrooms always gross?  Do I need to clean them more then once a week?  Between my boys (2 of which are old enough to use the toilet) and all my daycare kiddos, that is a lot of little people using the bathroom!  After this little chat with this mom I've decided the best way to solve this problem is to teach my boys how to clean a bathroom, especially the toilet!  And while I'm at it I could probably give my husband (who told me tonight as I was sweeping the bathroom floor, that he swept that floor last week!  In which I so kindly told him "that's great but I clean the bathrooms once a week so it needs to be done again") a few hints too!  How often do you clean your bathroom?