Monday, May 5, 2008

May 5th

Well we had a pretty rough weekend with Cruz but I think we're back to normal. He's always been a pretty good sleeper and last week when we increased his formula to 5ozs he was going about 6 or 7 hours between bottles in the middle of the night, so that meant only getting up once in the middle of the night for us:) Well Friday and Saturday night were the worse nights we've had with him since he was born. He was up probably every half hour crying, I'm not sure what the deal was but it was horrible. Plus he did the same thing for us when he napped on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and he normally takes two pretty good naps during the day for me. So last night we decided to let him try and cry it out and see if he could work things out himself. He cried for 10 minutes when we laid him down and then he fell asleep, then he was up about 15 minutes after that, cried for 5 minutes and fell asleep and then was up once more a few minutes after that, around 8:30, and cried for like 2 minutes and fell asleep until 2:30. At 2:30 I gave him a bottle and he didn't fall back asleep drinking it so when he was done I just put him back in his crib awake and he didn't fuss once and he fell asleep on his own until 6:30 this morning. Hopefully this will continue to work and we won't have any more nights like Friday and Saturday!

Anyways here are a few pictures of Cruz from this last week. As you can tell from the photo he still doesn't really enjoy his baths yet. He doesn't scream the entire time anymore but we try to make it as quick as possible so he doesn't end up screaming ha! One of his favorite places to lay is on his changing table for some reason. He could lay there for an hour if you'd let him, not sure why he likes that so much. This last week he's really started to enjoy staring at his mobile and he likes to lay on his play mat and just stare at the stuff hanging down from it. He's also enjoying the swing more too because it has a moving mobile above it. It sure makes things a lot easier on myself to get things done around the house when I have something to entertain him like that for a half hour or so, it's amazing how much I can get done now in 15 or 30 minutes! Jake had to get his uniform inspected on Saturday so luckily Cruz was up when he got home so I could get this photo of Jake and Cruz with Jake in his uniform. O and today I caught him sucking his thumb! Isn't that cute:) We'll write more later...

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