It feels like I've been trying to get Cruz to clap for months now and he finally got it today. We caught it on video at lunch today. He claps at everything now!
Cruz has been becoming more brave every day with walking around the furniture and going from the furniture to a push toy and back to the furniture which also means a lot more falls for him. I swear he falls like 50 times a day! Last week he had a black eye, then yesterday he had a really bad day and ended up with a black and blue ear (I had no idea you could bruise your ear, but I guess if you hit it hard enough on the coffee table it bruises immediately) and also a big scrape on the back of his head from falling against the wall and down onto the baseboard. We had a day full of tears, poor kid! For those of you that know Jake you will understand when I say I really hope he doesn't follow in his daddy's footsteps with injuries otherwise we have many trips to the ER in the future!