Levin Lynn is finally here! He arrived Wednesday, August 18th at 3:16pm. He was 8lbs 8oz and 21 1/2 inches long. I was originally supposed to be induced on Thursday but since I was only 38 weeks along Dr. Gernhart wanted to make sure Levin's lungs were completely developed before she induced so I had an amniocentesis Wednesday morning. Well the amniocentesis caused me to go into labor, which we knew was a risk. My mom went with me to the amnio so Jake flew to the hospital from work, he made it there in plenty of time but I think he was a little nervous that he was gonna miss it when I called and said they admitted me and I was in labor:) Anyways he arrived perfect as could be and we got released from the hospital Friday morning. It's been so nice to have all weekend at home to re-cooperate and try to get into some what of a routine with Cruz and Levin. We've enjoyed being able to have so many visitors this time around since when we had Cruz we were living in North Carolina. Anyways here are a few of my favorite pictures from the past few days along with a slideshow with many more!
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